Taking a Stroll through the Old Testament

God has laid upon my heart a desire to study the OT. As a Christian, the NT has always had profound significance for me and my faith, and understandably so. However, I have come to realize that the OT is a treasure trove for believers, not simply of ancient and forgotten history, but also of deep theology rooted in the holiness and sovereignty of God and His interaction with humanity, especially in calling out and redeeming a special people for Himself. It is with this in mind that I plan to begin an OT reading program and blogging-documentary with a friend of mine who has similar plans on his blog at “The Confessions” (also linked to in this blog post title).

You can critique our progress in the coming weeks. My hope is that we will have something to share, even to the casual reader. And I appreciate constructive comments here on this blog, in response to my posts of OT discoveries I’m sure I’ll be making. However, please understand one thing: school starts up for me again soon, and as this is a hobbyist project anyway, do not expect daily and/or detailed postings, necessarily. That is, if you’re even here to read this in the first place. πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “Taking a Stroll through the Old Testament

  1. “please understand one thing: school starts up for me again soon, and as this is a hobbyist project anyway, do not expect daily and/or detailed postings, necessarily.”

    As a fellow student, let me say, what a wimp! :>

    C’mon, bud! You can find a few minutes every day to do something…its a good discipline…and you need to give the ol’ brain something to work on ‘sides your studies.


  2. Aha! My very first blog comment! Thank you h.c.! πŸ™‚

    And you’re right, but my inner lawyer-wanna-be demands a cover-yer-posterior disclaimer before any major (to me) blog undertaking. Or perhaps it’s just wiggle room for laziness. Guess the world will never know, because I don’t plan to confess.


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